Mobile robot

Since 1984, Gibotech has been respon­sible for deve­l­oping a wide range of robotic solu­tions, and our port­folio also includes mobile robots. A mobile robot is also called an AGV robot, which stands for Automated Guided Vehicles, and includes a wide range of different products. A mobile robot can vary greatly in size and can thus be both small, as well as larger trucks, which can be used for automation of larger and more demanding tasks.

At Gibotech, in addition to deli­vering mobile robots, we are also respon­sible for the entire setup of the interface, the software and the various links that the mobile robot will run on and off. Our mobile robots are deve­loped with industry and healt­hcare in mind and offer many benefits. You can learn more about them in the sections below. Should you have any further questions about our mobile robots or our other automation solu­tions, please feel free to contact us.

Our partners

We colla­borate with some of the market’s leading brands in mobile robots, and the robots are therefore of the best quality and with the latest software avai­lable. Below you can read more about our partners.


Mobile robot for industry and production

Gibotech develops and delivers mobile solu­tions for every need across indu­stries and indu­stries, and we have also been able to offer to develop several different indu­strial robots, each with its own strengths. Among them is a mobile robot, which helps create value for the employees of the company, as well as it can increase effi­ciency and business deve­l­opment. Whether it is a mobile robot for industry and production or a mobile robot for the hospital or healt­hcare sector, it is always deve­loped based on the needs of our cust­omers, which is why the user interface is always deve­loped with the cust­o­mer’s needs in mind. When our solu­tions can be tailored to the indi­vidual customer, this means, among other things, that it is free to choose whether the robot should be controlled at each station or via a common taxi exchange. Another advantage is that the mobile robot solution can be scaled up or down if the need should change over time.

A mobile robot solution from Gibotech can include:

  • A single or an entire fleet of mobile robots
  • Tailor-made mana­gement
  • Mapping premises and vehi­cular roads
  • Charging stations aligned with number of units
  • A complete service agre­ement with our skilled technicians




Mobile robot for hospitals and healthcare

Mobile robots can move freely around the room and are not locked to a physical location, and they are therefore also well suited as hospital robots. Here they can carry out tasks of trans­porting surgical equipment around the hospitals. This type of mobile robots can be usefully used to deliver the right sterile equipment to the right operating theatres, just as the mobile robots can also be used in the receipt of goods and for handling goods in hospitals. Here they can free up time that employees can spend on other tasks, as well as mini­mizing the amount of one-sided and repe­titive work for the employees. In colla­bo­ration with DS Automation, we have, among other things, deve­loped mobile robots that can work in inte­r­a­ction with a sterile center and that make sure to transport the operating equipment from the operation and to steri­lization and away from the sterile center again when the work is done.

A mobile robot is made with a high level of safety and thus uses laser and other sensors to identify obstacles on their route, and an emer­gency stop can also be acti­vated to prevent acci­dents and acci­dents. With a mobile robot from Gibotech, security is top notch.

mobile robotter_ds_automation

Fewer wage costs

Lower opera­tional costs


Quick payback time


Fewer work-related injuries


OMRON Omron’s mobile robots or AIVs (Autonomous Intelligent Vehicle) as they are called, covers a new type of auto­nomous units which can be programmed freely. They have their own little “on board” computer and are easily programmed by showing it its route. The general control, meaning the booking of the AIVs for tasks and coor­di­nation, is done through Omron’s Entreprise Manager Software.

Safety Mobile robots use both laser and other sensors to identify obstacles on their route and an emer­gency brake is acti­vated depending on their speed to prevent accidents.

We wish to work closely with the best inte­grators in the industry. It is important to Omron that our end-cust­omers get the best solution – prefe­rably with a little more than they expected.

Per Pilegaard

Country Manager, Omron Electronics A/S


We are proud to be appo­inted Omron Solution Partner

System inte­grators are key to the successful imple­men­tation of automation systems at manu­fa­c­turing and machine manufacturers.

Omron’s Solution Partners repre­sents a group of system inte­grators recog­nized by Omron as a leader in the appli­cation and deployment of Omron’s tech­no­logies across industries.

Omron Solution Partners (OSPs) can support cust­omers at different levels, from inte­grating a new turnkey solution to opti­mizing an existing application.

OSPs show the highest level of commitment and loyalty to Omron, and are industry leaders in their chosen area of expertise.

DS Automotion

DS Automotion’s mobile robots and auto­nomous trucks guarantee auto­matic and precise trans­portation of goods in both production and logi­stics companies and for the hospital and health sector. DS Automotion offers a wide selection of different tech­no­logies both in navi­gation, controls, and inspection.

Increased effi­ciency

With the Gibotech robot solution, you will gain completely new perspectives on the company’s inventory mana­gement, as inventory mana­gement will be more effi­cient and provide more automation. Instead of ware­house employees having to spend time going back and forth, auto­mating the ware­house will free up the employee’s time so that they can focus instead on value-adding tasks. This can be seen on the bottom line and in the work ethic of your employees.

Benefit from the many advan­tages of mobile robots

There are several advan­tages asso­ciated with including mobile robots in the workflow in industry as well as in hospitals and in the healt­hcare sector. A mobile robot can help minimize the amount of one-sided and repe­titive work, which in turn can help minimize the risk of work injuries. By entrusting the heavy and mono­tonous lifting work to a mobile robot, employees are also given time for other and more complex tasks. Thus, a mobile robot can posi­tively affect the economy and productivity.

As long as a mobile robot is part of our cust­omers production or workflow, we can also offer robot service so that the robot can quickly be running again in case of opera­tional problems. We have a large part of the necessary spare parts in stock, and if this is not the case, then we are happy to obtain them from our partners. An AGV robot also comes with a tracea­bility that is incom­pa­rable with the manual. The AGV robot makes sure to record and store all trans­ports so that the different trips can be easily tracked. Mobile robots thus help to minimize the risk of human error, as well as helping to create a good overview of the status of the warehouse.

If you want to know more about how self-driving robots can be imple­mented in your company or how they can be taken advantage of in the healt­hcare sector, you are always welcome to contact us, and we are happy to tell you more.

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