
Gibotech develops, delivers and performs service on automation solu­tions for many different kinds of busi­nesses. Our varies robot solu­tions also include cobots which are also known as colla­bo­rative robots. Cobots are designed to work side by side with human colle­agues, thus, functioning as an extra hand in the work processes. Cobots offer great potential and many different appli­cation possi­bi­lities just waiting to be explored. Gibotech is always ready to develop cobot solu­tions that can be part of the work processes in your company. 

- There are many things to consider when beginning to automate and implement robots in your production. Give me a call on 20 66 35 04 or send an email on kep@​gibotech.​dk, if you want to know which solution is better suited for your company. I can also help calculate the ROI on various solutions. 

Kenneth Pedersen

Project Sales Manager, Gibotech A/S

Costumized cobots for your company

Gibotech’s cobot solu­tions may be expanded to suit your every need. Thus, it is the End of Arm Tools which defines which functions the cobots may perform. Should the needs change, it is always possible to expand with more tools, ensuring that the cobot is adapted to the company’s production. Cobots are easy to operate and will quickly become part of the work process. Several of Gibotech’s cobot solu­tions may be designed to work with both humans and machines, thereby, achieving an effi­cient help with various tasks in the production. Gibotech can also design costu­mized grippers for complex tasks. 

When human operators are working closely with robots, the safety requi­re­ments are high. Gibotech ensures the highest level of safety and that all legal requi­re­ments are met. We have TÜV certified speci­alist who can deliver qualified advice on the safety in your company. 

At Gibotech we have created cobot solu­tions that may handled a wide range of different task such as machine tending, assembly and palle­tezing. The EoAT on a cobot is easily changed, so the same robot may perform very different tasks from day to day. Therefore, cobots may also be used in companies which produce many different products and product variants because they are quickly and easily re-programmed. Cobots are driven by user­fri­endly drag-and-drop programming which is imple­mented in the software. Our list of addi­tional equipment and EoAT is constantly expanded and avai­lable for purchase whenever the need arises. Cobots are often easier to operate than other types of robots, so even ordinary production workers can operate and convert the colla­bo­rative robots. 


Innovative robots for the industry and healt­hcare sector

Since 1984 Gibotech has deve­loped automation solu­tions for the industry and the healt­hcare sector. Our indu­strial robots Vores indu­striro­botter include CNC machines for all types of CNC machining.  Throughout time we have build up a wide range of machines each possessing their own unique strengths, giving us the opportunity to offer machines perfectly suited to the costu­mer’s needs and ressources. 

For hospitals and the healt­hcare sectore in general we offer cust­o­mized hospital robots adapted to the cust­o­mer’s wishes and needs. For example we can build an entire steri­lization depar­tement in a hospital which can automate the steri­lization of the surgical equipment, thus, freeing up time for the employees who may then focus on other tasks in the hospital. We also have robot solu­tions which can operate blood sample handling and good reception and  handling of goods which may help to free up addi­tional employee ressources.

For the conti­nuous main­tenance of our automation solu­tions we offer special service agre­e­ments. Should you run into operating problems, we identify the problem and fix it. Our service agre­e­ments also apply in the evening and during the weekends.

Efficient production with cobots


There are many advan­tages when auto­mating the manu­fa­c­turing processes in a company. The capacity outside of normal business hours may be exploited with a minimum of employees. Cobots act as an extra hand in the production, thus, freeing up the employees’ time for other more complex tasks. Using cobots mini­mizes mono­tonous, repe­titive work for the employees and may improve the ergo­no­mical working environment and reduce the risk of work injuries. Thus, a cobot  is an effi­cient employee who do not require a salary and do not care about the physical working conditions.

At Gibotech we know that a robot which is not operating is expensive. That is why we offer robot service agre­e­ments which may eliminate downtime on your cobots and other robot solu­tions. With a robot service agre­ement we are only a phone call away – also in the evening and during weekends. As long as our solution is part of the production, we can provide spare parts. And if we do not have them in stock we are typi­cally able to get them the following day. If you wish to know more about our cobots or andre automation solu­tions, please contact us.


Humans are not meant to stand still and perform mono­tonous and repe­titive tasks. Robots are.”

Tommy Madsen

Sales Manager, Robotics DK and Baltics, Fanuc Nordic AB

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