Industry & Production

Robotics and automation solu­tions for the industry, production, and busi­nesses. Below is a selection of solu­tions for different busi­nesses and customer types. Which solution will suit your company to make production more efficient?
We have built automation solu­tions since 1984
Our solu­tions always start with your company’s requi­re­ments. We perform thorough analy­tical work so you have a solid basis for decision before the start of a project. Our end goal is complete utilization of the potential of your company’s production facility so you can release resources and improve the company’s competitiveness.


We want to be an innovative business partner on effi­cient and future-proof automation solutions.


We want to create value for people; employees, cust­omers, and end users.


We take great pride in the fact that many of our faci­lities from the start-up in 1983 are still operating.

What solution will benefit your company?

We have speci­a­lized in robots and automation since 1983 so no matter what you need advice and guidance with, we will help you.

With numerous projects, cust­omers and solu­tions we can advise you accu­rately and effi­ci­ently so you can quickly secure your inve­stment, create profit, and healthy working conditions.


We supply cust­o­mized automation solu­tions with robots to the industry. Our long-term expe­rience and know-how on how effi­cient automation can be a realization give us the possi­bility to constantly develop and thereby offer the optimal robotics solution for our cust­omers’ production processes.

CNC Processing

Whether it is about existing machines, stand-alone CNC machines or machines inte­grated with auto­matic handling of subjects, we can always offer a solution that can increase productivity in your company signi­fi­cantly regardless of the material you need to process.

Mobile robots

When we suggest a solution with mobile robots it helps with the opti­mization of internal logi­stics, release employee resources, and increase productivity. At the same time, mobile robots have a short payback time and reduce acci­dents and colli­sions costs.


Gibotech has the possi­bility to offer controls and automation solu­tions. Either in connection with inte­grated systems or stand-alone solu­tions. We have a close part­nership with quality suppliers while we also have our own expe­ri­enced programmers.

Selected projects


Read more about the projects that have already been installed and find inspiration here

Contact us


The more infor­mation you provide, the quicker we can provide the right department with your query.


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