Experienced automation

Gibotech develops, installs and provides service on high-tech automation solu­tions with robots and CNC machines. Our expertise and expe­rience with automation over almost 40 years has given us a strong position in the market, and we have deli­vered countless robots and plants to very different indu­stries, companies and production methods. 
We always strive to be a competent and compe­titive partner when it comes to effi­cient and future-proof automation systems. Therefore, we focus on opti­mizing and stream­lining production methods and on increasing the compe­ti­ti­venes of our cust­omers through automation. Gibotech currently has three main business areas. The hospital sector, where steri­lization depar­te­ments, goods reception, AGV logi­stics and blood sample handling robots are the main areas. The second business area is robot solu­tions for the industry, which ranges from colla­bo­rative robots, ligh­tweight robots to indu­strial appli­ca­tions, conven­tional indu­strial robots as a combi­nation and always tailored to the task and often with AGVs to tie the entire production flow together. The company’s oldest business area is CNC machines primarily for wood, plastic and composite mate­rials as well as light metal. However, there is an increasing demand for auto­matic machine operation, and Gibotech has in recent years deli­vered many combined solu­tions with both CNC machine and robots worldwide and is working with the CNC manu­fa­c­turer to develop this area globally.
GiboSmartSolutions primarily covers indu­strial solu­tions, and many of them will be based on a modular thinking, so you can buy a single robot cell or put several modules together for a complete solution, e.g. with or without mobile robot or CNC machine. It is therefore also possible to create an auto­mated indu­strial solution that fully matches the work­flows of the indi­vidual company.


GiboCobotFlex meets all needs and requi­re­ments for flexible production with a cobot and is designed so the robot and cart stays the same, but the equipment defines the task. It’s easy to get started and you can always expand with more EoAT to match specific requirements.


GiboCobot, omron TM, onrobot


GiboCobots is a series of colla­bo­rative robot arms with standard OnRobot end-of-arm tools deve­loped to cover a wide range of needs for handling different items with standard equipment.

Mobile robot


Mobile robots are auto­nomous, intel­ligent vehicles designed to increase productivity. GiboMove is avai­lable with or without conveyor, up to 100 mobile robots  and is tailored to youe needs. 


billede af robot hos skovby møbelfabrik


Gibotech’s solu­tions for machine tending are deli­vered as complete turnkey and may easily be adapted to customer specific requirements.



GiboPack’n’Palletize are flexible, modular pack and palle­te­tizing solu­tions, that increases effi­ciency and elimi­nates heavy, manual lifting. Available as stand-alone or complete production line.

Leica_omronTM robot


GiboStorage combines a cobot’s simple programming with a complete safety solution enabling shorter cycle time than in full colla­bo­rative mode.

Automation with GiboSmartSolutions

GiboSmartSolutions is a collection of previously built automation solu­tions and is based on many years of expe­rience with automation. The expe­rience has been built up as we at Gibotech have had to meet customer requi­re­ments for production and process opti­mization, factory flow, value for money, ROI, after­sales and service. Over the years, Gibotech has deli­vered automation solu­tions for many different indu­stries and for many different purposes. To take full advantage of know­ledge and expe­rience, we have chosen to develop GiboSmartSolutions, which combine different automation solu­tions as needed and that incor­porate cust­omers’ insights earlier in the decision-making process so that they can take full advantage of automation. 
Automation makes it possible to replace human control with auto­matic control. The more mono­tonous tasks can thus be carried out by robots, so that the employees in the company can focus on the more demanding tasks. Automation is thus a good opportunity to optimise production in the company and increase compe­ti­ti­venes. Automation is gaining ground in many companies, both at home and around the world.

Discover the many opportu­nities of automation

Our many years of expe­rience with automation have given us an in-depth know­ledge that we make use of every day when new solu­tions are to be deve­loped. Therefore, we have created GiboSmartSolutions, which serves as a directory of previous projects, so that it is possible to take full advantage of the previous expe­rience we have gained with automation solu­tions and which now benefit new cust­omers. GiboSmartSolutions can thus also provide inspiration for how automation can be imple­mented in the indi­vidual company.
There are several advan­tages asso­ciated with imple­menting automation in the production flow of the company. Among other things, automation can help increase productivity in the company, just as measu­ra­bility and quality control are improved and more acces­sible. Automation can also be of great value in healt­hcare. A mobile robot can thus help transport sterile equipment to the operating theatres, while an auto­mated sterile center can be an effective help in the sterile workflow at the hospital. Since Gibotech’s solu­tions are based on modules, it is possible to adapt the auto­mated solu­tions to the indi­vidual hospital.
Gibotech also offers colla­bo­rative robots also known as cobots that work alongside humans. Collaborative robots act as a third hand in the production and can thus handle the more mono­tonous move­ments, while the operators are given a free hand to do the more compli­cated work. The colla­bo­rative robots can be moved around the production using a cart and is easily converted to the various tasks.
Gibotech can also offer robots for palle­tizing, which can contribute to increased effi­ciency and greater reli­a­bility. With the right automation, it is possible to create robots for all kinds of palle­tizing of products, and here too the final solution will be adapted to the cust­o­mer’s specific needs.
With GiboSmartSolutions, we have the opportunity to start from the above projects with automation and create new solu­tions adapted to the indi­vidual company’s work­flows, regardles of industry, product and production form. With the goal of always being able to deliver the best possible quality to our cust­omers, we work exclu­sively with the best suppliers in the world. If you also want to be one step ahead of your compe­titors, we are happy to talk to you about how automation can be imple­mented in the work­flows of your company. We always make sure to cust­omize the solution to match the company’s specific needs.

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