Welcome to our supplier site


The purchasing policy makes up the prin­cipled guide­lines for completing purchases at Gibotech. All purchases of goods and services are included in Gibotech’s purchasing policy and terms of purchasing as seen at the bottom of this page.

Gibotech aims to develop part­nerships with suppliers who work dedi­ca­tedly to support Gibotech’s mission and vision by offering market-leading products, production services, prices, condi­tions and delivery times.

Gibotech expects suppliers to follow along in the deve­l­opment of Gibotech’s specific perfor­mance and quality requi­re­ments for projects in both the Industry, Food and Hospital.

Gibotech expects the suppliers to always thor­oughly go over Gibotech’s speci­fi­ca­tions and prospectus, ask questions and come up with sugge­stions for improvement for the purpose of “producing the elements to the purpose correct the first time, to a leading price level and fast delivery”.

Gibotech’s suppliers must be prepared to meet the level of flexi­bility that Gibotech’s projects require. Gibotech is in close commu­ni­cation with our suppliers in order to convey quality demands and optimize the goods and production flow to support the execution of Gibotech’s projects creating value for Gibotech’s customers.

If a mistake from a supplier were to happen, the mistake would be imme­di­ately remedied at Gibotech or at Gibotech’s cust­omers without any costs to Gibotech.


Our terms of purchasing can be seen below:

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The more infor­mation you provide, the quicker we can provide the right department with your query.


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